Proxcys offers several options to assist with RFC column packing. For instance, it is possible to purchase all HP-RFC columns pre-packed and pre-validated, ready to process. In addition, it is also possible to have the column (re)packed on-site by Proxcys experts. For clients that would like to pack the column themselves, Proxcys can optimize the packing and running protocol to reach required column acceptance criteria.
More information or a tailor-made offer? Contact us via our contact page.
Pre-packed columns
The Proxcys SUPR columns are pre-packed, pre-validated columns with a resin of choice. The SUPR column range is linear scalable from lab-scale to process and is available in various bed heights and column volumes. The columns are equipped with an annular packing system for reproducible performances. SUPR columns are ‘Plug & Process’ for direct implementation and use, ideal for campaigns and dedicated projects.
In addition, it is also possible to have a standard ‘self-pack’ RFC column pre-packed by Proxcys lab specialists. If it concerns a small-scale column, the column can be sent to our lab in Emmen, The Netherlands. When it involves the (re)packing of a larger column volume, Proxcys can easily visit you on-site to pack the column.

On-site packing support
On-site visit by Proxcys experts to provide technical support and assistance during packing. The Proxcys lab specialists have years of experience in packing radial columns and can supply practical support as well as provide tips and tricks.
Recipe optimization
The latest generation of Proxcys chromatography workstations are controlled by the versatile and reliable Process-Companion software. The software offers the possibility to create recipes to (semi) automate column packing and subsequent qualification steps, saving time and improving reproducibility of column performance.
In close collaboration with the client, Proxcys can optimize the packing and running protocol to reach required column acceptance criteria that are mutually agreed upon.