This 800L Radial Batch Chromatography Column (BCC-2D-Radial) is ready for the Factory Acceptance Test.
Proxcys BCC’s are state-of-the-art, custom-made columns, that uniquely combine the capabilities of a radial and axial filter providing the largest possible sieve surface area. With the Tripod frame, different sections of the column can be opened and closed on the spot, without any manual labour, nor a roof mounted hoist. Decreasing downtime and risk, whilst improving safety and simplifying maintenance.
The Proxcys Batch Chromatography Columns (BCC’s) are state-of-the-art columns with working volumes between 10 and 1000L, equipped with the proprietary tack-free bottom filter and three-way bottom valve.
The motor and two- or three-bladed stirrer offer a homogeneous mix, without introducing shear forces, thereby preventing the product or resin from damaging, whilst the sensors and probes on the dome provide constant process monitoring and feedback.
More information? Visit our BCC product page.